What You Shit is What You Eat!!!

If you have eaten a lot, you will absorb a lot and the "remaining items" will be released! If You have eaten too many fried foods (Cause) will result difficulty in clearing your waste (effect).

If you have eaten lots of vegetables (Cause) will result in clearing your waste (effect) easily.

What is waste? Unwanted things. Therefore, if you keep them for too long, you will be poisoned!

You will be fine till all poison is accumulated to optimum point, then you will be in trouble! Er-Oh!

What else can I learn from the picture? Eat more vegetables to stay healthy. Respect lives, be Herbivores. Animals are like us. They have fear and they know what is pain but they express differently. They are just like us - have family also. How you feel is exactly the same as how they feel, except they react differently! Be kind to your body by being good. Don't turn your body into a cemetry (full of animals' corpses). Be Kind and have mercy on Animals.

If you can't even control yourself not to eat meat, how are you able to control and take charge of your destiny, agree? Every actions have it consequences. 

You may copy, please indicate "Written by the Founder of MATHS SPECIALIST - Mr K L Chua. For details, goto www.filomaths.com"

Human Nutrient Cycle or SHIT Cycle ???

The Human Nutrient Cycle is an endless natural cycle. In order to keep the cycle intact, food for humans must be grown on the soil that is enriched by the continuous addition of organic materials recycled by humans, such as humanure, food scraps and agricultural residues. By respecting this cycle of nature, humans can maintain the fertility of their agricultural soils indefinitely, instead of depleting them of nutrients, as in common today.

When crops are produced from soil, it is imperative that the organic residues resulting from those crops, including animal excrements, are returned to the soil from which the crops originated. This recycling of all organic residues for agricultural purposes should be axiomatic to sustainable agriculture.

Perhaps because there is currently a profound lack of knowledge and understanding about what is referred to as the “human nutrient cycle” and the need to keep the cycle intact.

The human nutrient cycle goes like this:
a) grow food,
b) eat it,
c) collect and process the organic residues (faeces, urine, food scraps, and agricultural materials), 

d) return the processed organic material back to the soil, thereby enriching the soil and enabling more food to be grown. The cycle is repeated, endlessly.

This is a sustainable process that mimics the natural cycles of nature and enhances our ability to survive on this planet. When our food refuse is instead discarded as waste, the natural human nutrient cycle is broken, creating problems such as pollution, loss of soil fertility, and abuse of our water resources.

"Are we eating shit?"
Yes, indirectly.

There is always some degree of the opposite contained in anything that exists."
Example ...

1) Solid: Food(In) -> Shit(Out)
2) Liquid: Drink(In) -> Urine(Out)
3) Gas: Oxygen(In) -> Carbon Dioxide(Out)

What life philosophy can we learn from the Human Nutrient Cycle?
"What You have received, You must Give!"
"We are Linked!"
"Nothing is belong to us. We just borrow for today and need to return the next day."
"All things belong to the Nature, including our body."
"We don't have anything, but we have nothing."

You may copy, please indicate "Written by the Founder of MATHS SPECIALIST - Mr K L Chua. For details, goto www.filomaths.com"

Accept and Respect One Another, just like Shit!

Every shits end up together. They never quarrel. They meet each other. They just simply accept one another. They won't say ... "You are shit X, please get out. I don't want to be with you."

What can we learn from the Shit Quote? We need to learn like 'shit' - how to accept and respect one another since we are living together in our planet - Earth.

There are no differences in this world. They are only physically different. Actually, they are all the same.

How are they the same? They are so-called Nature or in fact, let name it as Emptiness or nothingness. They can exist in the form of No Form but they are still a form named No Form.No Form doesn't mean it is Not Real, just like ... 

You can't see Radio Frequency in the air but indeed they are in the air. Otherwise how you can listen to radio. 

Therefore, never keep pointing on others, without taking a look at yourself. Accept and respect others, just like shit : )

You may copy, please indicate "Written by Founder of MATHS SPECIALIST - Mr K L CHUA. For details, goto www.filomaths.com"

We are Made of Shit, therefore We are Equal!

You are made of shit so Am I:)  

Why? Do you know that ... 
there are shitssssss on our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, butt and etc. Without them, we will be in deep shit, as our body needs to clean its internal to stay healthy.

Although such shit can be of different name, form, colour, shape and state, they are still an unwanted waste (shit).

Lesson to be learnt from the above ...
Human being can also be of different colour, size, race, name, mindset, status and etc. Afterall, human being is still human being. Therefore, no one has the right to depise anyone but need to respect everyone. 

Remember ...
We are made of shit. Therefore, we are Equal!

You may copy, pls indicate "Written by the Founder of MATHS SPECIALIST - Mr K L CHUA. For details, goto www.filomaths.com"

Whatever You Eat, You need to Shit! Why?

"Whatever you eat, you need to shit. 
  Otherwise, you will be poisoned!"

What can you learn from the shit's quote above? 
Lesson 1
You can't keep everything (shit) to yourself, you must learn to share (give your shit back to the nature), in order to receive more (to eat more).

Lesson 2
The food (knowledge) we eat (recieve), it must be digested in our stomach (brain). By exercising (applying), the food that we have eaten, can then help us to live a better life.

Lesson 3
Wealth is just like shit. You need to shit out (invest), in order to earn more money (food).

Lesson 4
Everything in life is a Cycle. Food turns into shit and shit turns back to food, just like ice turns to water and water turns to ice.  

You may copy, please indicate "Written by the Founder of MATHS SPECIALIST - Mr K L Chua. For details, goto www.filomaths.com"